Friday, April 13, 2012

Final Exam Articles

Watching TV Makes You Smarter

Twilight of the books

The Neuroscience of Your Brain on Fiction

Does your social class determine your online social network?

Mind Over Mass Media

Is there Hope for the American Marriage?,9171,1908434,00.html

The Growing Backlash Against Overparenting,9171,1940697,00.html


  1. Well, I'll get us started on this topic! Ha, uhhm I took the "Is there Hope for the American Marriage?" article today in class, but now I am leaning more towards something else, like the "Overparenting" article or even the "Is TV making you Smarter?". I can relate to the overparenting article sometimes. But I can also relate to the Marriage article because my parents are divorced, my dad is on his 3rd marriage. I have friends who are currently married, even two friends who are already divorced at age 21 and 20. It's insane to think about sometimes. The TV making you smarter article I think is very true, how Whitby said in class today, like 24 and shows that make you think are mentally challenging for your brain. I watch Pretty Little Liars constantly. (Only show I really pay attention to) This show you need to have watched from day one or have someone explain every detail to you to understand who did what. Although a lot of the TV shows nowadays may lower your IQ (Jersey Shore....) And there are also lots of pointless shows. I think the shows that make you think are the ones that have the most benefits.
    What does everyone else think? Is anyone having troubles deciding what to type up for their final?!
    Also, how's everyone's essay number 3 going? We can always email eachother with helpful hints kind of like peer review this weekend before Monday morning! (:

  2. You should probably pick the one your have the strongest opinion on that way you have something to write about.

    Tilar L

  3. Did anyone else do their final on "The Growing Backlash of Overparenting"? If so what kind of thesis statement did you decide on? 1. Safety Concerns in public 2. Overflow of academic achievment 3. Lack of play equals socially incompetent 4. Media pressures on parenting. Just to name a few of the ideas I got from that entire article. Some of you probably went into more complicated detail but pointed out the general idea.

    Rebecca B.

  4. I chose the "Is There Hope for the American Marriage? article to read. Did anyone else? I thought it was hard to read with the format of everything alligned to the left, in combination with the author not having very good tie in sentences between the paragraphs. She jumped from one bit of info to another without any oppinion and was hard for me to follow. Maybe my brain is just tired due to finals, but I did not have time to choose another article.

    Brad C.

    1. I also did this article. I agree, she jumped from point to point, but it wasn't just you! I also thought it was a bit hard to read.
